Tarkhan Zora appointed permanent CEO
During his State of the Corporation speech, Tarkhan Zora announces that he has been assigned permanent CEO for Omni-Tek, Rubi-Ka division. Immediately following the speech, both news sources and the public protest the aggressive tone in the speech, but Omni-Admin has no further comment. The CEO effectively uses words that wage a fresh war on the clans and those of the neutrals that work against the corporation.
December 03, 29480 - [Global]
Transcript of Tarkhan Zora's "State of the Corporation" speech:
Employees of Omni-Tek! We are at war, and it is in my best interests to protect what we hold dear.
In the past few months, our technological advancements are coming along in leaps and bounds thanks to an increased ability to harness both what this planet owes us, and what we take from those who seek to oppose us. Our skies are getting darker, but we are working with the ICC to sanction the use of advanced military hardware on Rubi-Ka.
We will defend both against the clans and the alien threat, right now, the placement of Goliath class battle stations is taking place in orbit of this planet, we will secure as many as possible, all four if need be and use them to take control of the skies and the land.
The weapons on these stations can take out land and air targets alongside revolutionary armour and defensive capabilities. It is up to you, colleagues of Omni-Tek to assist in the defense of these stations and ensuring that they do not fall into Clan hands.
The neutrals at this time do not pose a threat and quite frankly would be best to either sign up to the nearest Omni-Tek recruiter or if they're thinking of oppositional action, save us the trouble and shoot themselves or ask the nearest Unicorn officer to do so.
These stations will last a hundred years, and when we renew our lease in forty-nine years we will ensure that these stations are operational and once again, under our control. The future of Omni-Tek is in safe hands, the future of Omni-Tek is in Unicorn hands and we will press forth under a banner of strength, integrity and an unyielding iron fist against opposers.
Phillip Ross, one of the most influential men in Omni-Tek's history has shown little progress out of his coma as a result of the attempt on his life. As a result, Omni-Med Command on Omni-Prime requested his transfer back to his home planet and subsequently he was moved at 0600 on Friday.
Under jurisdiction from Omni-Prime and Omni-Admin, my interim leadership has hereby been upgraded to complete Chief Executive Officer Status of Omni-Tek's Operations on Rubi-Ka for an indefinite period of time. While I wish Former CEO Ross a speedy recovery he will not be coming back to oversee Omni-Tek's interest in Rubi-Ka.
As a result of this, I hereby remind all Omni-Tek employees that we are at war with the clans. Any fraternization of your colleagues or conversations that aren't done via a series of bullets or attacks must be reported to your nearest Omni-Reform officer so that said individuals can be corrected for their behavior and sent down the right path. It is imperative that we draw a line between friend and foe. Omni-Tek is your friend; the Clans are your foe.
Omni-Pol, Omni-AF and subsequent tactical divisions have reported a total of one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-one sentinels killed since Ms Serugiusu started offering assignments in Omni-Trade. The high volume amount of deaths has forced the clans to review their tactical procedures, NOW is the time to strike against those who seek to oppose us. NOW is time to rise up and defend your corporation, your shares and interests. NOW is the downfall of the Clans at OUR hands!
Our notum profits are at an all time high, grossing almost 100 billion a week, we're buying new security and weaponry from the Primus Shipyards and Armouries. Technology that can wipe this planet clean of any threat that is upon us. We are the superior race, we have the superior power and we own this planet. This planet owes its notum to us and we will take every last bit of it ensuring that our employees, our needs prosper above all else. We will keep enough to allow our nanomage colleagues to survive but ensure that we quell the opposition that is attempting to gain a foothold upon this planet. The Alien threat is upon us, and is growing ever stronger, with news of a massive attack force due to reach our skies in little under two weeks.
Rome Red suffered massive losses from the onslaught that took place on the nineteenth of November and we are taking every step necessary to ensure that the estimated total of six million aliens does not threaten Omni-Tek territory. Omni-Trans sent a hyperspace fleet from the Morningstar station to intercept our weapons shipment and Goliath Battle station from the Targor system last week, but as you know, this was frowned upon by the ICC who stated that we would have to assist in the transportation of the weapons intended for all factions of Rubi-Ka.
I for one will not support assisting the Clans or the Neutrals. Infact Omni-Tek employees found to be assisting them will be tantamount to betrayal; the only allowance of conversation between you and them is either in an attempt to get them to the nearest Omni-Reform station, or to give them a head start to run away before you shoot them.
Betrayers of Omni-Tek will be dealt in the same way as opposers, warrant for arrest, reformation, and depending upon severity, permadeath. Consider it within your own interests to stay loyal to the company that has looked after you for so long or find yourself faced against the iron fist.
We have always lead the way in technological advancements, rising far beyond clan and neutral theft of our technology. We set the standard and others follow, come the arrival of our Goliath Stations, we will be introducing factional research. This will allow us to work further into the development of clan and neutral extermination techniques. This will be based on the knowledge that you learn out and about on this planet and in the Shadow lands and I expect that you, as loyal employees, will use as much as the experience you can to further your benefits. If we were to fall behind, it may result in us having to make the decision to employ stronger enforcement techniques to ensure that the clans do not gain further liberties within our territory.
While currently against ICC Regulation, we are working within the supreme ICC Court, to get the Omni-Tek Flagship; The Constanople and a squadron of the Omni-Tek fleet here to further put the fear into the Clans and Neutrals. As some of you may know, the Constanople itself is an Ion Cannon equipped vessel, and will allow us an added bonus in defense. It is a case of when we can get it legalized by the ICC.
The time is now for our rise, our success and our ultimate domination of all opposition, the fate of Omni-Tek is in your hands. Since Omni-Tek's acquisition of this planet, our profits have seen an increase of over five hundred percent in the exportation of resources.
Notum is THE resource of the corporation, one which we will ensure that we have a complete grasp over, once the full four holes mines have been reclaimed we will resume full exportation of the notum resources available on this planet. Our outpost here is increasing in power; Omni-Prime's realization of this has meant that they are further creating space stations closer and closer to this position. It won't be long before this planet will be deep within Omni-Tek territory and we can call upon the company to flood this planet with Omni-Tek personnel and outnumber our enemies one thousand to one.
I can guarantee, that even as we stand here, there are people recording this conversation, ready to pass on to their neutral and clan masters. So know this, Neutrals and Clans; seek employment with Omni-Tek, or seek termination. That is all.